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The importance of security
Hackers, viruses and malware can all take down your website, even if you’re trying to build a professional online presence. In an era where consumers are more likely than ever to complain on social media, or post about their bad experience with your company—and when Google has changed its search algorithm in order to penalize sites with low-quality content—you’ll want a website that’s reliable and resilient.
What is SSL?
The SSL protocol encrypts data between your computer and other servers, helping ensure your private information is safe from prying eyes. If you want a truly secure site, choose a host that supports HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure) connections. Most web hosts do offer an HTTPS option, so it’s important to make sure before signing up. This isn’t just useful for e-commerce sites or sensitive business data—everyone wants their personal information to stay protected online.

Why SSL is critical for your site's security
A Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificate establishes an encrypted link between your website and your visitors. Without it, anyone can hijack information being transmitted between you and your users. This means that if someone is listening in on a network when a user connects to your site, they could steal usernames, passwords, credit card numbers and other personal data. When shopping online, people have come to expect sites to have SSL Certificates installed – but often don’t realize why.
Free vs. paid certificates
When a site owner wants to set up an SSL certificate for their site, there are a couple of ways they can do it. One is free, and one costs money. But which method is best? In order to answer that question, we have to compare them on several different criteria: speed, price, and ease of setup. Read on for our comparison.

Domain validation, extended validation, and wildcard certificates
Which type of certificate is right for your business? Find out here. The first step in protecting your website and its visitors is to get a security certificate installed on your domain. Before you do, however, it’s important that you understand what kind of certificates are available and which one best suits your needs.
- More information:
- https://ayrdj.ca/
- https://freewebsitemetrics.com/
Choose a trusted company
In any market, knowing who is providing your products and services is critical. The internet can be a confusing place and as much of your business will rely on your website or other online presence, it’s vital that you choose a reliable company. By working with a company that has proven experience in providing these types of services, such as one of our resellers, you can be sure that your site will remain online and functioning smoothly. We advise you Koddos: https://koddos.net/